Approximations and Error 1

Approximations and Error


Rounding Numbers

Approximate answers are often necessary, especially for constantly changing values. The symbol ≈ or ≐ is used to indicate approximation.


Rules for Rounding Off

  • Round down if the digit after the one being rounded is less than 5 (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4)
  • Round up if the digit is 5 or more (5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Rounding to Significant Figures

The first significant figure is the leftmost non-zero digit. To round to a specific number of significant figures:

  1. Count off the specified number of significant figures
  2. Look at the next digit
  3. Round down if less than 5, up if 5 or more
  4. Delete remaining figures, replacing with zeros if necessary

Measurement Errors

Measurements often involve reading scales, which can lead to approximations. A measurement is typically accurate to ±½ of the smallest division on the scale.


Types of Errors

  • Error: The difference between the measured and actual value
  • Absolute Error: The magnitude of the error, calculated as |VA - VE|
  • Percentage Error: Error expressed as a percentage of the exact value, calculated as ((|VA - VE|) / VE) × 100%

Where VA is the approximate value and VE is the exact value.

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