
Showing posts with the label Kimia

Kesetimbangan kimia

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Kesetimbangan Kimia 1. Reaksi Reversibel dan Irreversibel Reaksi Irreversibel: Reaksi satu arah (tidak dapat balik). Reaksi Reversibel: Reaksi dua arah, dapat mencapai kesetimbangan dinamis. 2. Jenis Kesetimbangan a. Kesetimbangan Homogen: Semua zat berfasa sama. Contoh: 2 SO 2 (g) + O 2 (g) ⇌ 2 SO 3 (g) Fe 3+ (aq) + SCN − (aq) ⇌ Fe(SCN) 2+ (aq) b. Kesetimbangan Heterogen: Zat berbeda fasa. Contoh: C(s) + 2 N 2 O(g) ⇌ CO 2 (g) + 2 N 2 (g) 3. Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesetimbangan (Prinsip Le Chatelier) a. Perubahan Suhu: Suhu naik → geser ke arah reaksi endoterm (ΔH positif). Suhu turun → geser ke arah reaksi eksoterm (ΔH negatif). b. Perubahan Konsentrasi: Penambahan reaktan → geser ke produk. Pengurangan produk → geser ke produ...

Perhitungan pH asam basa kuat dan teorinya

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Larutan Asam Basa 1. Teori Asam dan Basa Menurut Arrhenius Menurut Arrhenius: Asam adalah zat yang dalam air melepaskan ion H + Basa adalah zat yang dalam air melepaskan ion OH - 2. Kekuatan Asam dan Basa A. Asam Kuat Asam kuat terionisasi sempurna dalam larutan. Rumus umum: [H + ] = x · [HA] atau [H + ] = valensi asam · M B. Asam Lemah Asam lemah terionisasi sebagian dalam larutan. Rumus: [H + ] = √(K a · [HA]) C. Basa Kuat Basa kuat terionisasi sempurna dalam larutan. Rumus umum: [OH - ] = x · [M(OH) x ] atau [OH - ] = valensi basa · M D. Basa Lemah Basa lemah terionisasi sebagian dalam larutan. Rumus: [OH - ] = √(K b · [BOH]) 3. Derajat Keasaman (pH) Rumus pH: pH = -log [H + ] Rumus pOH: pOH = -log [OH - ] Hubungan pH dan pOH: pK w = pH + pOH = 14 (pada suhu 25°C) 4. Reaksi Penetralan Reaksi umum: Asam + Basa → Garam + Air 5. Titrasi Asam-Basa Titrasi adal...

Buffer dan Hidrolisis

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Larutan Buffer dan Hidrolisis Larutan Buffer dan Hidrolisis Pengertian Larutan Buffer Larutan buffer adalah larutan yang dapat mempertahankan pH-nya meskipun ditambahkan asam atau basa. Terdapat dua jenis larutan buffer: **** Larutan Buffer Asam Komponen: Asam lemah (HA) dan basa konjugasinya (A - ) Contoh: CH 3 COOH + NaCH 3 COO **** Larutan Buffer Basa Komponen: Basa lemah (B) dan asam konjugasinya (BH + ) Contoh: NH 3 + NH 4 Cl Keseimbangan dalam Larutan Buffer Keseimbangan dalam larutan buffer dapat dinyatakan dengan rumus: [H + ] = K a × \(\frac{[\text{HA}]}{[\text{A}^{-}]}\) Penerapan Rumus Buffer Tentukan pH larutan buffer yang dibuat dengan mencampurkan 50 mL larutan CH 3 COOH 0,1 M dengan 50 mL larutan NaCH 3 COO 0,1 M. **** Contoh Soal Diketahui K a (CH 3 COOH) = 1.8 × 10 -5 Hitung pH menggunakan rumus di atas. Pengenalan Hidrolisis Garam Hidrolisis adalah reaksi anta...


Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Quiz 2:   Fullscreen Mode Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Chemical reactions can be classified into two main categories based on energy changes: exothermic reactions and endothermic reactions . Exothermic Reactions An exothermic reaction is one that releases energy in the form of heat to the surroundings. During this reaction, the temperature of the surroundings increases due to the energy released. A common example of an exothermic reaction is the combustion of fuels, such as methane (CH₄). The combustion reaction of methane can be written as follows: CH₄(g) + 2O₂(g) → CO₂(g) + 2H₂O(l) + ΔH Here, ΔH has a negative value, indicating that energy is released during this process. The combustion of methane in oxygen produces carbon dioxide and water, releasing about 728 kJ/mol of energy. Characteristics of Exothermic Reactions: Energy Released: Energy in th...

The Speed or Rate of the Reaction

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Quiz 2:   Fullscreen Mode The Speed or Rate of the Reaction The Speed or Rate of the Reaction The rate of a chemical reaction is a measure of how quickly reactants are converted into products. In everyday life, reactions can vary significantly in speed; for instance, the formation of silver chloride precipitate when silver nitrate is mixed with sodium chloride occurs almost instantaneously, while the rusting of iron is a slow process that can take years. The rate of reaction can be quantified by measuring the change in concentration of reactants or products over time. For example, when zinc (Zn) reacts with sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), the rate can be assessed by the volume of hydrogen gas (H 2 ) produced per unit time. One of the simplest methods to determine the rate of reaction is to measure the volume of gas produced using a gas syringe. Various factors influence the rate of reaction, includin...

Electricity And Chemical Change: Electrochemistry

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Quiz 3:   Fullscreen Mode Electricity And Chemical Change: Electrochemistry Electricity And Chemical Change: Electrochemistry 1 Conductors and Insulators Testing Conductivity We can test whether a substance conducts electricity by inserting it into a simple electrical circuit consisting of a battery, wires, and a light bulb. If the bulb lights up, the substance is a conductor. If the bulb does not light up, the substance is an insulator. Testing Results Metals and graphite are solid conductors: Example: Tin conducts electricity when tested. Reason: The presence of free electrons that can move. Molecular substances do not conduct electricity: Example: Ethanol does not conduct electricity when tested. Reason: There are no charged particles that can move freely. Ionic substances have special proper...

Menghitung Massa Molekul Relatif (Mr)

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode

Ikatan Kimia

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Teori dan Rumus Ikatan Kimia Teori dan Rumus Ikatan Kimia A. Kestabilan Unsur-Unsur Konfigurasi elektron beberapa unsur gas mulia: Nama Unsur Nomor Atom Konfigurasi Elektron Gambar Susunan Elektron Elektron Valensi Helium 2 2 2 Neon 10 2.8 8 Argon 18 2.8.8 8 Aturan Duplet: konfigurasi elektron stabil dengan dua elektron pada kulit terluar. Aturan Oktet: konfigurasi elektron stabil dengan delapan elektron pada kulit terluar. Pada saat atom-atom membentuk ikatan, hanya elektron-elektron pada kulit terluar yang berperan yaitu elektron valensi. Elektron valensi dapat digambarkan dengan struktur Lewis atau gambar titik elektron. B. Ikatan Ion Pembentukan Senyawa NaCl: Pembentukan Senyawa C...

Struktur atom dan konfigurasi elektron

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Struktur Atom dan Konfigurasi Elektron Struktur Atom dan Konfigurasi Elektron 1. Teori Dasar Struktur Atom Atom adalah unit terkecil dari materi yang memiliki sifat kimia suatu unsur. Struktur atom terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama: Inti Atom (Nukleus) Berisi proton (bermuatan positif) dan neutron (netral) Memiliki muatan positif dan massa hampir seluruh atom Elektron Partikel bermuatan negatif yang mengelilingi inti Bergerak dalam orbital-orbital di sekitar inti 2. Partikel Dasar Atom Partikel Muatan ...

Redox Reactions

Quiz 1:   Fullscreen Mode Quiz 2:   Fullscreen Mode Redox Reactions Redox Reactions Definitions Oxidation: Gain of oxygen Loss of electrons Reduction: Loss of oxygen Gain of electrons Redox Reaction: Simultaneous occurrence of oxidation and reduction. Theory and Formulas In a redox reaction, one substance is oxidized (loses electrons) while another is reduced (gains electrons). This process can be represented through half-equations that show the electron transfer. General Redox Reaction Equation: $$ \text{Oxidation: } A \rightarrow A^{n+} + ne^- $$ $$ \text{Reduction: } B^{m+} + ne^- \rightarrow B $$ Example of Redox Reaction The reaction between magnesium an...